Third Time is a Charm, 7 years of Hope

It is June 4th, 2014 and I have completed my 4th and final round of Chemotherapy. In November 2013, I was diagnosed with stage 2 invasive ductal breast cancer. I waited until after the Holidays to have my surgery, a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. I was not counting on any chemo, since my tumor was only 2cm at the time of biopsy and MRI. When it was removed at surgery, it had more than doubled in size and therefore the Doctors wanted to ensure all cancer cells were removed and prescribed preventative treatment of chemotherapy. I was not a candidate for radiation, as I had had it in my previous two breast cancer diagnosis. Since the reconstruction was going to be with radiated skin, I had no idea the issues that would surface, my skin no longer had the elasticity for expanders, it would not heal properly and I had to have the right expander removed and 3 additional surgeries to remove the dead eradiated skin. I do not have the final look yet, I may just not complete the reconstruction, and have the left expander removed and the skin repaired to look as natural as can be.
My story begins in 2007 when my OB/GYN requested for the 4th time to have a mammogram. I was 44 and was diagnosed with DCIS stage 0 in my right breast. A lumpectomy and 39 rounds of radiation were completed.
In July of 2010, a new mammogram discovered cancer in my left breast, I was 47 with DCIS 1, another meeting with a team, I was thinking of a double mastectomy at the time but opted for another lumpectomy and 42 rounds of radiation. (Who would think they would get it again).
I would ask myself why me, 3 times, but then look at my 3 sisters (2 have been first time diagnosed) and my 11 nieces. I pray it was so they never have to go thru this.
My husband has been my rock, Thank you Dale.
I never look back, only forward to great beginnings! This is my beginning.

Joan Lopez
Plainfield, IL