They're Only A Couple of Boobs!

I was diagnosed with two types of breast cancer in April 2007, exactly 10 years after my mother died of the disease. I was speechless when an Oncologist from a local hospital called and told me the news. I just sat down trying to gather my thoughts since my mind was racing. What am I going to do? What about my children? What about my husband? Can I cope with what I will have to go through? I had so many questions and no answers.

Following the initial shock, I settled down and decided to do exactly what I did for my mother and try to find out as much as I could about my specific diagnosis. After all, my life depended on it. I read Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book, did research, and got three medical opinions (each varying slightly). Afterwards, I decided to get a double mastectomy, even though the cancer at the time was limited to just my left breast and opted for immediate reconstructive surgery.

When I'm asked how I went through this with such a positive attitude, my response is that "they're only a couple of boobs" and I'm not ready to give up on life yet. I have learned many things by going through this experience 1) early detection is extremely important, 2) research your diagnosis and find out what options you may have, 3) get at least two or three professional opinions so that you can be sure you have all the facts, 4) a positive attitude can make all the difference, and 5) talk with your family and close friends so that they can be there to support you, give you advice, and help you back to a happy, healthy life.

Joanne Stecker-Butzier
Bloomfield Hills, MI