The Importance of Routine Mammograms

I went for my routine mammagram, never expecting anything out of the normal. I was extremely surprised when the doctor said he saw something on the film. I asked which breast....both. I thought that was unusual and discovered only 4% of the population had bi lateral breast cancer. It had not spread from one to the other, but had both grown independently. I had a double lumpectomy and discovered I had 3 positive lymph nodes even though my breast tumors were very small. I could not even feel them myself. I went through chemo and radiation with wonderful care. With the emotional support of my husband and family (including my sister Vanessa), 7 years later I am still cancer free and still continue with my routine care. I had no family members with breast cancer. We never know when to expect it. It was a scary diagnosis at the time, however, its almost like it never happened now. It is really a great time to review priorities in our lives and decide what is really important.

Huntington Beach, CA