The beginning...

On Januany 24th I sat in a cold room alone waiting to speak to a who I found out later was a surgeon. He explained to me that he strongly felt like I had Cancer. I did not want to claim it though I knew the chances were High I had noticed the lump months before and yes I was very afraid. But I was also a single mom with no insurance just barely making it. The kids had a government funded insurance but none for me I just couldn't afford it. A few days later it was confirmed I was diagnosed with stage 2b Breast Cancer. It had already spread to my Lymphnodes...God Help Me!!! I am telling you my story to bless someone. Too many women are dying from this disease we have to do better if you are my age and have not had a mammogram...GET ONE....PLEASE!!! Because I did not want loose my chance of medical coverage because of this being considered a preexisting condition I waited. Now I am fighting for my life. You are worth me telling my story. You are worth saving. Whatever it takes get checked. Monthly breast exams that you perform are not enough. Go have a mammogram done...and you keep praying for me cause I don't plan on going anywhere. Love you...God loves you more. In obedience to him I share this with you.

Houston, TX