The Beginning

I am a cancer survivor! In June 2007 at 54 yrs. old I was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer found by a mammogram. I was called in by the hospital for a recheck only a couple of days after and immediately had a needle biopsy done. I was alone and thought what is going on? After confirmation from the radiologist I was devastated by the news. The "why me" syndrome set it; I was plenty scared and began to pray. I had a lumpectomy; followed by a sentinal node biopsy (no lymph node involvement, thank God) and after my incision healed I started radiation therapy. I am so thankful to God for the expertise of the medical professionals and their caring attitude that helped me. In my search for answers to my diagnosis, my beginning refers to a journey that has led me to God and what he has done for me, not just at the time the cancer was diagnosed, but it showed me how He has been at my side throughout my entire lifetime. I just didn't really know Him then. That summer was a blur to me while I went through the motions of getting up in the morning, going to work, coming home, and spending time with my family. I was in survival mode and God was there for me every step of the way and still is today. Mammograms and early detection are so important. Most important of all is to be diligent in follow up treatments and to never let anything go thinking it will "just go away." I pray to God to give strength and peace to all who are currently going through or have been through a breast cancer diagnosis. God bless you all and thank you for your inspiring stories!

Vicky Martinez
Burbank, IL