Take Control of your health

In August 2000, my doctor saw something new on my mammogram. He told me to come back in six month for another one. That was a long six months for me. I went back in January and what he had seen appeared to be larger. I was advised to have a biopsy done. They set me up to be admitted the next week and have the problem removed. I went back to work to set up some time off from work. When I got to the office, I was told my employer's wife had just been diagnosed with breast cancer. The day before I was to enter the hospital for the needle aspiration, my mother had a biopsy done and we were told it was cancer. Needless to say, I was on pins and needles until I was told mine was benign.
My employer's wife chose to keep her breast and only have the one small area removed from her breast. My mother's surgery required a mastectomy of her left breast and part of the area below her left arm. My mother had gone in for a mammogram the December before her diagnosis because she had felt a lump. The person who "read" her mammogram told her there was nothing there. She made the mistake of trusting his word. My mother received chemo and radiation treatments. She lived another five years before the cancer came back in the form of acute lymphoma. She died six months later.
PLEASE. TAKE CONTROL AND DO NOT TAKE ONE PERSON'S DIAGNOSIS WHEN YOU FEEL A LUMP! DEMAND ANOTHER OPINION. THIS IS YOUR LIFE, not their life. If you are diagnosed with cancer, research for the best care. Don't settle for less.

Cathy N.
Cleveland, MS