
Back last year February 2014 I was diagnosed with breast cancer grade 3 I had a lumpectomy reconstruction where the surgeon cut 8 inches down the side of me to remove tissue and fat to preform surgery I was in theatre for 4 hrs I had 2 drains attached to me .I was sent to the ward I was put in to a side room where I stayed for 2 weeks I had a lot of problems followed by pain.After leaving hospital I was so glad to get home I was in a lot of pain but I wanted to show that I was coping but struggled as I was in a lot of pain.After 2 months I had 6 weeks of radiotherapy I had to travel 40 miles per day 5 days a week .
I thought my life was on the mend when crash I went down with exhaustion ,I was so tearful I couldnt pick my self up at all my life had changed in many ways I felt like I was a failer to my family did support me but I felt guilty because I was to tired to do any thing and the tears would just poored out.I went through so much pain but I am thank ful that I am here today to tell my story ,I like to say I had a very good consultant and surgeon and nurses at the parapet king Edwards hospital who had put me back together again.Think positive and life will be kind to you that is what I did and I came through I will again if I ever get it recurring.

karen baker
slough, United Kingdom