
While on a trip with friends I found a lump in my right breast, I didn't think anything of it due to my Sarcoidosis. I just thought it was a lymph node and let it go. Finally in December 2009 I went to my doctor and he said we need to get a biopsy right away and things rolled fast. On Christmas Eve.2009 I found out I had triple negartive breast cancer and in January 22,2010 I underwent a lumpectomy with lymph node testing. It was hard going through this alone so I moved to be with my daughter I did about a year or so of chemo followed by radiation. This year will mark 5 years if all checks out on my follow up. I am so thankfull for my family and friends for all their support and wouldn't be here with out them. I have friends who have since gown through cancer and I always support them. I did my first walk a few years ago and was blown away by the amout of support by men women children. I AM A SURVIVOR.....

Lisa Hunt
Saint Petersburg, FL