
I agree we all need a support system but maybe more so for some than others. In my case I was diagnosed last month with Stage 1 Grade1 IDC. My tumor was less than .5 mm. I had a lumpectomy last week and they only had to take one lymph node. My doctor called yesterday and said they got all the cancer and my node was negative so I am still Stage 1 and I am also ER/PR positive and HER2 negative. This is all excellent news. Now I did join a couple of different online support groups immediately after getting my initial diagnosis but I have to say that the overwhelming majority of the members are in a much more dire situation than myself. Considering this I have found that rather than encouraging me it only made me feel more depressed and fearful. In light of that I have since been avoiding those groups. I am instead relying solely on the support of family and friends which I find to be much more uplifting and encouraging. I will be seeing an oncologist in a couple of weeks to discuss treatment options but I do plan to have the Oncotype DX test and hope to avoid chemo and just go with radiation and hormone therapy.

St Albans, WV