Still surerving BreastCancer.....

It was in 2003 when I was dianose with breastcancer... I didnt feel any lumps but I felt like a harding muscle that it wasnt right in my left breast..I told a friend she said that I should have it checked out so I did.. I hadnt had a mammogram and I was 47yrs old.. Went to Dr. and she schelduled a mammogram... with in that week .And got a letter in the mail saying it was abnormal mammogram...I was in a daze.. From there it snowed balled....Took a ultrasound and I knew something was wrong... I then searched breastcancer on the web and what to look for in your breast sure enough I had that indention under the breast so I knew I had breast cancer!!!! I went to a surgeon had two biopsy... I had stage 1 I had a lempectomy and had lympnode removal but they came back postive ..So no now I had to remove my left breast... So the day before surgery my left side of my neck was hurting so I told the Dr.. The day of surgery she comes out and says that ,that area was cancer tooo.. Instead of having stage one I had stage 3c with two types of cancer in my breast..Dr. told my family my survioral wasnt good!!!! But I was a fighter I was going to fight until the end!! Went through harsh chemo and 7wks of radiation!! Lost my HAIR I looked like uncle Lurch from the Adams family when taking all the steriods... But I survived it...I was 11 years cancer free but I got breast cancer again in 2014 inFeb.. Wow!! But now I have to fight even harder and I wont give up!!! I have mestastic Breast cancer stage 4.. I have gone thru radiation again for the tumor in my neck that was cancer and chemo again!!! But Dr. says theres no cure for what I have.. But you know I have been responding to my new treatment and my cancer markers are going down!!! I have bone cancer and lung cancer..FIGHTER VAL!!!

valerie ortega
visalia, CA