Stay Strong

They say that everything happens for a reason...I truly believe that and it will become apparent to me....
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in feb 2014 aged 55 and otherwise was like a bolt out of the blue.
In March 2014 I had surgery...a right localised therapeutic mammoplasty and sentinel node biopsy on my right breast. The results came back and they were successfull in cutting out the cancer from my breast and the margins were all clear but cancer cells were found in one of my lymph nodes and learned that my cancer was Grade 2, 50mm in size.
I am due to go for further surgery on 14th April to remove all lymph nodes from under my right arm followed by chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone suppressing tablets... Cosmetic surgery on the other breast to give me a matching pair!
In the space of a few months my entire world has been turned upside down but with so much to live for and fantastic support and love from my partner, family and friends.. I remain positive and determined.
I had No symptoms and if it wasn't for a routine mammogram it would have gone unnoticed and untreated . Early detection has saved my life for which I will be eternally grateful
Positive Attitude All The Way. Sharing stories does help to heal.

Susan Scott
Glasgow, United Kingdom