Stage 4 at 23

I was limping for a sprained quadricep for a while, moved to the crutches and one day at work on the crutches I had fallen. I ended up breaking my hip on my other side, later finding out the "strained quadricep" was 3 fractures from a disgusting cancer eating my bones. News to me considering I was only 22!!! Prior to the accident I had found a lump in the breast but with no cancer history and my age I figured it was a cyst. Completely wrong, Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. Well I figured I'd live out my 5-10 years they gave me in pity, no I changed my entire attitude and stopped thinking why me and started thinking how am I going to kick this things butt? Doing a targeted treatment and radiation before any mastectomies and chemo I was a little nervous. The news I got today after my mammogram was amazing, the doctors cant find the lump nor the mass's that traveled to the lymph nodes. Now all I have left to do is finish up my chemo and to get rid of the rest of the buggers (mass's) in my body!!! I know God works in a mysterious way and I know I was CHOSEN for this for a reason. We aren't dealt a hand we cant handle!

Molly Waller