Six Years and Counting

In 2003, when I turned 50, I got a call that changed my life. I was always vigilant about getting my mammograms, and rarely thought about it past the day I went in. That year, I was told that there was a "shadow" on the film. It turned out to be two, thankfully small, tumors in my left breast. My doctor and I decided to be aggressive and opted for a mastectomy and reconstruction. I was lucky. There was no lymph involvement, and as of last week, I am now six years cancer-free. Since that day, my life has changed. I no longer take any day for granted. I moved three years ago from Pennsylvania to Los Angeles, a place I've always wanted to live. I greet each day and each new experience as the gift it is. I talk to women everywhere about getting their mammograms and the importance of early detection. I have been blessed, and I want to share that blessing with the world.

Melissa H. Byers
Woodland Hills, CA