Seven year survivor.

I was diagnosed in August 2007, I had to go through six invasive chemo treatments. After I was done with that, I had a double mastectomy, for two horrible weeks had to have draining tubes, let me tell you that was probably the most uncomfortable thing to go through. Then I had reconstruction. They are not normal breast but it is better than having nothing there to feel like a woman.Everyday I am reminded of what I had to go through and it may not be pretty but at least I am still here. I am on tamoxifen for the whole ten years because I lost my sister to Breast cancer January 2013.They say that it is not hereditary but I do not agree with that.So let all you women know, do self exams, and if you find something do something about it, my sister did not until it was to late and she died at the age of 58.Just want everyone to know nobody knows what you go through, unless it happens to you and you can get all support you need. My husband, children and rest of my the family got me through all of this, and I am a seven year survivor. I am proud of it.

Rochester, NY