Self Exams And Mammograms - Go Hand in Hand

In late August, 2008, while conducting my monthly self-breast exam, I noticed a hard, thickening in my lower left breast. I scheduled an appointment with my gynecologist, who after his clinical exam referred me for a mammogram, sonogram and breast biopsy that same afternoon. I was formally diagnosed on September 11, 2008, with Stage III inflammatory breast cancer. This is a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer.

I have now completed chemotherapy, radiation, herceptin treatments, and several surgical procedures. And, after a few more medical procedures, my treatment will be complete. It started with a self breast exam. I cannot stress enough the importance of doing this. If you feel anything that seems odd, i.e. lump, hardening, change in the appearance of your breast; see your doctor immediately for a mammogram. Do NOT wait for your next annual mammogram. It might be too late!

A quote that I am fond of says “Don’t pray for things, pray for wisdom and courage”. What sound advice that is. Having regular self checks and annual mammograms is the wise choice. Make a wise choice; I did. And now I am able to live, laugh and love!

Having a mammogram saved my life. Doing so could save your life, too.

Greenville, TX