January 2006 I had a mammogram, which revealed no abnormality. In August 2006 I was diagnosed with stage ii breast cancer. My left breast had consistently been sore for about a month. To be honest I was not giving my self-monthly exam on a regular basis. This particular day I decided to give myself one and found a lump in the upper part of my left breast. I immediately called my doctor and they saw me right away. The entire necessary test were performed and revealed stage ii breast cancer. At the time I was 38 years young. I dare to think what would have become of my life if I had not examined my breast that day. I will celebrate my 42nd birthday in February 2009. Having survived breast cancer has made me a stronger more determined person in every aspect of my life. I am living testimony that self breast exam will save your life. If I waited until my next scheduled mammogram, as fast as my cancer was growing I would have been in stage 4 cancers by January. Please give yourself monthly breast exams.