Self breast exams??? Why do them???

As of January 2010,my fifth year of surviving stage l, node negative breast cancer has begun. I have had a mastectomy, reconstructive surgery, chemotherapy and now taking taking hormonal therapy.
It all started with a self breast exam, not done diligantly, when I found a small lump in my right breast. After about two weeks I checked again and sure enough it was still there. I called the doctor she reviewed my mamogram report that I just had and ordered an ultrasound which was also read as normal. My doctor was uncomfortable with the results and sent me to a breast surgeon. My surgeon believes that the mammograms did show areas that should have been checked. She did a biopsy and much to my surprise, I had two areas that were cancerous.
What I would like everyone to get from my story is that self breast exams are important to do along with mammograms and other diagnostic tools. If not for myself and my agressive doctor, my cancer would have continued to grow. So ladies and gents DO THOSE SELF BREAST EXAMS!!!!!

karen balla
rossford, OH