Recurrent Breast Cancer

At 54 yrs. old, had scheduled yearly physical & mammogram. Went to my Dr. for routine blood work & had my pap smear & all looked good. I was to have my mammogram on May 23, 2008. On May 12, I noticed a lump on the upper side of my right breast. Called my Dr. she said I should have my mammogram sooner.On May 14 a mammogram, & ultrasound was done. Radiologist thought a biopsy should be done because the lump was irregular & not smooth. May 18 had biopsy & was diagnosed with triple negative invasive ductal carcinoma. Met with Drs. & it was decided to do lumpectomy, then mammosite radiation, then chemo. I had 4 months of chemo after radiation. Went back to work full time Jan. 2009. I felt good, so in Feb. 2009 I had my port removed. On March 18 noticed a swelling on my chest right below my shoulder on right side, went to Dr. She thought it was probably scar tissue or something assoc. with prior surgery, but ordered an MRI just to be safe.
I was called into breast center after MRI to have further tests. It was decided that a surgical biopsy needed to be done because the mass was under a muscle & it needed to be removed anyway. It was diagnosed as same aggresive type cancer. Had a complete right side mastectomy & axillary node dissection April 10, 2009. I had 23 chemo treatments then 28 radiation treatments. I finished all treatments Feb. 5 2010 & am now back to work doing great & have been given my life back. I thank the Lord & my family every day for getting me through this.

Taneyville, MO