Raising money and walking for breast cancer in memory of my mom

I lost my mom to breast cancer in 2000. She was a 5 year survivor of the disease, but it ultimately spread and she lost her battle 3 months after my husband and I got married. She never met her grandaughter and she will never see my sister get married and have children either. I decided in 2008 that I was going to be BOLD and walk in the Atlanta Breast Cancer 3 day and raise $2200 to do so. My sister joined my team and we did our fundraising and walked with over 4000 phenomonal people that year! We each raised over $3500! I walked again last year and raised $3000. Due to the economy, it was harder to raise the money than it was the year before and there were half as many people to walk in Atlanta, but it was still a great event and I made many new friends. I am walking again in October of this year and plan to make my goal, surpass it and have a team of people to walk with to raise money again to support breast cancer research so that all women (and men) will have a better chance of surviving until a cure is found!

Rydal, GA