Pure determination

In 2004 at the age of 31 while breast feeding my youngest child a lump appeared and I was diagnosed with grade 3 breast cancer requiring a lumpectomy, chemotherapy and radiation. I travelled 5 hours to Sydney with my mum every Monday returning Friday without my husband or 2 sons for 8 weeks. I grew incredibly depressed & overweight as I hated what I saw in the mirror which was only the illness & the scars I bore as a result of the surgery. Then while undergoing tests for my 5 year clearance a rare aggressive reoccurrence in the same breast was found & I was diagnosed with secondary localized breast cancer again. This resulted in a single mascetomy & more aggressive chemotherapy. With no health insurance or the ability to pay for surgery my oncologist spoke to one of the best surgeons in the country who agreed to operate free of charge performing a double mascetomy complete with a double breast & nipple reconstruction using the tram flap muscles. The kindness & generosity of people made me realise that my life was worth fighting for & I needed to play a part in my survival so with the help of my brother & husband we walked 7km everyday for a year while waiting for the operation. I ate only fresh produce and I lost 30 kilos in total stripping away the depression, anger & self hate that once consumed me. The operation took 18 hours and about 3 months of recovery but I now have my life back. I make the most of every minute of everyday with family & friends & I have lost 45 kilo in total. I am part of a strong close knit crossfit community that is a daily part of my life. The number one thing I make sure that I do everyday is tell those close to me how much I love & care for them 💜💜💜💜

Rebecca Edwards
Port Macquarie, Australia