Please do regular self exams. No one knows your body better than you.

Two days before Thanksgiving 2013, at age 65 I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Triple Negative Invasive Ductal Carsinoma after finding a lump in my right breast a couple of weeks before. Very scary since my mother died of breast cancer over 30 years ago.

My Doctors were right on top of everything and moved very quickly to get to the diagnosis. First a diagnostic mammogram and an ultrasound. The next week was the needle biopsy. This confirmed everything. I had never heard of Triple Negative and learned a lot. First of all it is an aggressive type and not fed by any of the three major human hormones.

Luckily I have a large support group, because my head is still swimming.

Since my lymphnoids were negative I chose a Lumpectomy with 4 sessions of chemo 21 days apart, to be followed by 6 weeks of radiation, every day monday - friday.

I had the lumpectomy 1/3/14, started my first chemo 2/26/14. My last chemo 4/30/14. On 5/3/14 I will be doing the Susan Komen Breast Cancer Walk and start radiation 2 weeks later.

Remember you are never to young or to old to do a regular self breast exam. It could save you life.

Charlotte Hopson
Las Vegas, NV