Permanent reminder

I didn't suffer through having breast cancer, but I lost a dear friend to it. She never told me that she had the dreaded disease, always telling me "The doctor's don't know what's wrong yet." and she passed away in 2005. I finally found out in 2012 that it was from breast cancer and decided to get a permanent reminder of the battle she went through.
Since that time, I've been told by my best friend that her mother is a survivor and my boyfriend's mother recently had a double mastectomy (including a set of lymph nodes that were affected) and is awaiting her reconstruction surgery in the coming months.
The picture I've attached is the tattoo I had gotten for all the warriors that have battled beast cancer, the ribbon showing the marks of being beaten, worn and battled, but still staying strong. I wear it on honor of my friend, Patricia that lost her battle, my best friend's mother Grace and my boyfriend's mother Regina that both survived.

Shelbyville, TN