Peggy's Story

Peggy discovered a lump long before any doctors. She pushed doctors to get in and have this checked. When the lump was removed, nothing had even advanced to the lymph nodes, but the diagnosis was the most aggressive breast cancer that exists.
Peggy went through chemo, radiation and was a 4-1/2 year survivor with a clean report on December 31, 2005. In April, 2006, when she felt itching and pain in her back, the doctor kept putting her off saying it was nothing until she pushed him to schedule a MRI. He agreed to the MRI just to prove to her it was nothing.
The next day the doctor called, on his knees, apologizing for not listening to her and instructed her to contact her oncologist. She had several bone tumors, one lung tumor and, eventually, brain tumors. With a second round of chemo, radiation and surgeries, she lost her battle on November 24, 2007.
Do not wait for annual examinations. Perform self examinations on a regular basis. Do not let doctors put you off. Push them if necessary. You take charge of your life.
Peggy, I love you and I miss you.

Richard Flemming
Pflugerville, TX