Pastor's wife gets superboobies

Hi, I am Rhiannon, aged 37, mother of the three most gorgeous kids & Pastor's wife.The last things my mother said to me was to do everything I could to avoid getting this breast cancer.My mum found out she had breast cancer at 41 years of age & died 9months later.I came home to take care of my mum and two brothers,9&17.
They made her go on a very aggressive course of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.The radiotherapy was so aggressive it burnt her skin on the outside and on the inside of her throat & wasn't able to swallow food.She kinda' liked the idea that she was losing weight so fast.It was so difficult for me to eat.My mum had spent her whole life feeding me and now it was my turn to try and get her to take these drinks.
I know for my mum the thing she found most difficult to deal with was not the disease but the fact that she faced leaving her children behind with no one to care for them.I feel that now so I have decided to have a mastectomy.In the last 12months I have had two lumps, one in my breast and one in a lymph node.Being a Pastor's wife I have questioned myself and my faith as to whether I should leave it to God to work this out, whether my faith was strong enough that God would save me from this cancer.My mum was a Christian and believed in God with all her heart but she still died.I have realised that God gives us the ability to help ourselves.We wear a seatbelt to keep us safe.We remove an ingrown toenail if it is infected.It's not a toenail I am removing but it is something that will almost certainly save my life!

Melbourne, Australia