Pam's Fight

On November 27th 2011, I found out the large painful lump that had rapidly grown, was Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, BREAST CANCER stage 3+.

I had no history of Breast Cancer in my family, but the fact that I had never had children, and that I had started my period at the age of 10, were high risk factors.

I endured Chemo for 6 months followed by a mastectomy with 11 lymph nodes cancerous under the arm.

Endured 33 radiation treatments during the course of 6 weeks.

Started the reconstruction process immediately flowing second mastectomy.

I am looking forward to what I hope is the final reconstructive surgery on September 22nd, 2014, nearly 3 years after the beginning of my journey.

I have been blessed to be followed by an amazing medical team, and more Friends and Family than I ever knew I had.

The "Silver Lining" also included the opportunity to participate in the Live Strong Program at the local YMCA..a group physical exercise training program for Cancer Survivors.

Life is Good !!!

Pam Clark Srtrebel

pamela strebel