Our baby girl will cure cancer!

My husband and I were surprised to discover we were expecting our third child. We began to discuss that there must be a higher purpose for the baby. We already had two boys and thought our family was complete. I had an ultrasound around 20 weeks and I was excited to hear that our baby is a girl! We began to discuss names and again returned to the discussion of her "higher purpose" in the world. God must have a grand plan for her since her arrival was such a surprise. My husband decided, "She was brought here to cure cancer."

Little did we know, that we would soon have a strong motivation for her to find a cure! I found a large lump in my breast while I was pregnant, but figured that it must be one of those strange pregnancy things that happen to a woman's body. The lump didn't go away after our daughter was born. Eight weeks after her birth, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Thanks to a lot of prayer, excellent care from my doctors and nurses, chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation...I'm cancer free. I have attached a picture of my kids and me that was taken on my last day of radiation treatments.

My daughter will turn three next month! I continue to pray for a cure...even if my daughter is not the one to discover it!

Julia Teahen
Grand Blanc, MI