One year out of my far.

My story started in Jan of 2009.I found a lump in my right breast, more under my arm then in the breast. I had gone for a mammogram the day before and it was tender around the site.I waited for the results the following week and it came back that I was fine see you in another year...I still felt I should check it out so I went to the doctor,he could feel it too and said to keep an eye on it and come back in two weeks if it was still there.I returned two weeks later and decided to book an ultrasound they would call me with a date.A month went by with no call so I called the office to check well I guess there was a mix up so we booked finally on May 8.
I had the ultrasound and a core biopsy and the call came at 8:00 am on May 15 2009.The biopsy came back positive for cancer cells.Things moved fast after that let me tell you.I had a lumpectomy and axillary node disection on May 29.One lymph node was positive I was told when I woke in recovery so I new then I would have to have chemo and radiation.I started my first of six treatments of chemo in July and my last one is in two more weeks.I then have three weeks of radiation to follow after that.My one goal for this year is to have this all behind me by the end of this year
I have been a hair stylist for 33 years so the loss of my hair was a big thing for me.But I try to look at the bright side of things with a little humor. I am gratefull for my wonderfull family, my partner and friends.

Sandra Murray
victoria, Canada