One week after the "new recommendations," I found lumps.

Despite the new Govt. recommendations, I was examining my right breast and found lumps. I then scheduled a mammogram, had a biopsy and found that I have DCIS. I will be having a bilateral mastectomy on Feb. 11th, 2010. I have continued with my life by creating artwork and have entered 2 different shows between that time and now, and have plans for more work after this is completed.
I want people to know that people who go through a life threatening event such as this need to have their emotions about it when they have them and and shouldn't have to act any differently than they feel. I am very afraid, angry, and sad when I think about it, and have found it useful to work on things rather than dwell on my upcoming event, and have been having my emotions when I have them.
I have been very lucky to have family, friends, and even strangers come out of the woodwork to be of assistance when I need them. For now, I am just focusing on being alive for the next until the surgery happens because anything can happen between now and then.
Time moves too slowly and now too quickly and it's getting away from me. It's amazing how that happens. All I know is that my life has been compressed into living one moment to the next, and that's all I have right now to focus on.

Nancy Miller
Eveleth, MN