Not old enough for cancer

You only need to go for mamograms from fourty up or so I believed. At the age of 37, I discovered a lump in my breast. I was pretty sure that it was a hormonal thing. Only at the insistance of my husband did I get it checked out.
And then the fun began. After a lumpectamy, they discovered that I had stage 2 breast cancer. For nine months - went for Chemo and radiation and am now waiting to get the all clear.
Although Cancer is a terrible disease, it has lead me to many joys and taught me to look on the lighter side of life.
I have had nine months of no shaving and no shampoo. Yes I can sleep an extra fourty five minutes a day!
I have met the most wonderful people and know I am truely loved. I have also learnt to live for today because tomorrow is not a promise.
I would never wish to have to deal with cancer again, but would not wish to change the life lessons I have learnt.
Oh yes and don't be afraid to wear red lipstick

Karen Leggo
Kempton Park, South Africa