New Look at Life

On October 1st I found a lump, went for mammogram, ultrasound and a biopsy and it was a malignant tumor with spread to lymph nodes. I was shocked and dismayed and part of my concern was my daughter's wedding 11 weeks away. I didn't want to overshadow her happiness. It's different for a daughter... more than a box to check on forms, it's a threat to health....a feeling that Dad and brother can't understand.

Blessed with access to great healthcare, insurance, sick leave and friends/family to pray and support, I began treatment. Chemo 1st and bilateral mastectomies in April. The tumor has shrunk; advantage of doing chemo 1st is I know it works and hopefully has picked up the little cells that might be floating around. Why surgery? No breasts = no breast cancer. Besides, at 57 I'm looking forward to perky replacements! I'll have 6 weeks of radiation and chemo (every 3 weeks) for a year. I might get hair again next fall and I hope it will be an improvement on what I lost!

It's hard to call cancer a blessing....but it definitely gives you a new look at life....every day. I think and act differently. I don't want to miss a thing and I want to make sure my family and friends know how much I love and appreciate them. I take better care of myself. I share my faith more openly because God has held my hand every step of this journey.

I pray for a cure, for myself and especially for young mothers in treatment with me. May God bless everyone who has cancer, had cancer, will get cancer, and all those in their lives. My calm and optimism come directly from the Lord. I rejoice each day I awaken and arise. I am blessed.

Jeanne Gant
Leesburg, VA