Never too Young

It was a Monday night October 20th, 2014 I was lying in bed with my husband. As I was adjusting my tank top I accidently came across a large hard lump on the side of my left breast. My husband was adamant that I go in and have it checked. I wasn’t too concerned, figured it was just hormones, period related or something. I’m only 39 for goodness sakes.

With my husband’s persistence I made an appointment the next day and met with my doctor that Wednesday. Immediately she made me an appointment at the breast center to have a mammogram and ultrasound.
As I sat there in the waiting room for my mammogram, I looked around and saw so many women most I’m sure having the same fears as me. Felt so strange, I honestly felt out of place because this couldn’t be happening to me. After my mammogram, I was awaiting my ultra sound, the nurse called me back in for more mammogram photos? Hmmmm was my thinking, what does that mean? Then ultra sound followed, when the ultrasound tech called in the radiologist, I got nervous. Maybe this was happening to me. Not much was said to me, I knew they wouldn’t tell me much as they wanted a biopsy to determine.

A few days later a core biopsy was performed and 3 days after that I received a call, I needed to come in and talk…… All I could say to the counselor was “so I have cancer”. That began a world wind of events.
Surgery was next, lumpectomy was the choice I made. My surgeon removed a 4cm tumor, clear margins and no lymphoid were affected. Stage 2A, what a relief? (Not really, but could be worse).
I started chemotherapy 12/16. Feel blessed everyday how far medical research has brought us. Early detection was key in my story. I have a wonderful life, with a husband, 2 daughters, and 2 stepsons that I will enjoy for many years to come. Cheers to 40!!

Trisha Anstice
Brier, WA