Never Lose Hope

I'll never forget getting the call back for a second mamogram. I'd been going for 10 years and I never had to go back. I knew at that moment it was Cancer. My friends would share their stories of getting that same call only to find out it was nothing. But It was confirmed on 07-31-13. Breast Cancer.

I had a lumpectomy on 08-08-13. It was stage 2 breast cancer. After some infections and allergies Chemo began. I was scared but after the first Chemo I was like "is that it?" I've been through worse things than that! I started to notice thin strands of hair falling out so I made the "executive" decision to shave my head. I was not going to let cancer take my hair...Radiation, well that's a different story. After about the 28th session I got cellulitis from the burns and was in the hospital for 4 days. Okay I admit it, my spirit broke at that time.

I had a lot of support, so much that thee employees at the Oxnard Police Department (where I work)held a Bald is Beautiful fundraiser and over 58 people shaved theirs heads in solidarity. Two females. It was amazing. My family and friends were there for me always.

After I healed I took off to Park City Utah to find peace. I was being strong for everyone that I really didn't have a to let it out. It was a very healing experience. The calm of nature, the snow falling etc was therapeutic. I encourage everyone to take a "me" trip during your journey.

Now it's May 31st, exactly 9 months from the day I was told "I'm sorry, it's cancer". But because of this journey, I am stronger and i have a new appreciation for each day.

My friend who was battle stage 3 cancer at the time spoke these words of wisdom to me. She simply said "You got this", and so do you. My faith in God was my anchor, I tried to remain hopeful and upbeat. Remember we have/had cancer, It does not have us!

Oxnard, CA