Never Give Up!

At age 43, I found a lump in my left breast. I scheduled a mammogram right away. After my mammogram, the technician told me I needed to have an ultrasound. The Radiologist told me that I had 3 “suspicious masses.” They found 2 more tumors on lymph nodes in my armpit. My biopsy was the next week. On January 21, 2014, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Infiltrating ductal carcinoma (breast cancer) with 3 triple negative tumors. I was not going to let cancer win! My husband and kids still need me! My Great Aunt who is 85 now, had breast cancer at age 50, so I was inspired to start the battle. Educating myself all about breast cancer has helped me deal with this difficult situation.

My doctors recommended that I have chemotherapy first, surgery, and radiation. Chemotherapy did shrink my tumors but has taken a toll on my body. I had my hair cut short which helped me deal with my hair loss. Chemo may have weakened my body but not my spirit. My parents sat with me during the long hours of chemo. I started to have many allergic reactions to the third chemo drug Pacitaxol. I had 9 chemotherapy treatments total. Both of my kids ages (17 and 12) played baseball during this time. Many days I would receive chemo and then go to their games. It was very comforting to me to be with family and friends at their baseball games.

After a successful double mastectomy and port removal. I am CANCER FREE! I also talked with a genetic counselor and found out that I am BRCA negative.

My oldest son will be a senior in high school in August and I don’t want to miss a minute of it.

I enjoy talking to cancer survivors and hearing their story. Stay positive and don’t let cancer win. Keep Fighting!

Amy W.
Aubrey, TX