Never forget that one last moment

My Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1980. I was the oldest of 3 kids at the age of 15. We fought the demon for 3 years until it took my Mother from me, my sister & brother. I remember they finally left us kids in the hospital room to see her. We had to wear masks. Standing there looking at Mom laying there not moving or opening her eyes I tore my mask off & kissed her on the cheek saying I love you Mom. To this day I'll never forget that moment because it was then she opened her eyes, looked back up to me & a tear ran from her eye. My mother passed away that eve. God I miss her so much! Things could be so different if she was still with me. I'm 49 years old now with a beautiful wife & a great son & daughter. I just wish they could have met their Grandma. But in a way, with all the memories I tell them its almost like they do know their Grandma! Gotta go now, can't see to clear with the water coming to my eyes. Thank you for letting me vent. God bless!

St. Libory, IL