My Three Bouts with Cancer.

It was 6 years ago now that I had breast cancer and about 3 years ago I had to tackle Kidney cancer. In the process I lost my left kidney and my right breast.
I felt a lump in my right breast down by the nipple and was due for my mammogram soon so I went to my Dr. and she sent me for a mammo right away. the results came back positive and they did a biopsy to make sure. the biopsy was positive and they sent me to an Oncologist. He explained what they were going to do. he wanted to have a lumpectomy so I wouldn't lose my whole breast but they didn't get it all so I lost it all anyhow. I recovered pretty well and went on with my life. I still have to see an Oncologist every 6 months or so to check me and I take medication to keep any cancer from going to the left side. so far I am a six year survivor, and I felt great till about 3 years or so ago. I started having a lot of pain in my left side and had to go the ER. The dr. kept me for a few days and then sent me down to a larger hospital about 75 miles from home. I hated that. I had my husband with me all the time tho.they did the surgery and didn't have to stay in the hosp very long. glad of that. tired of hospitals by then. Actuallythat was my third time of getting cancer. I had a hematoma on the lining of my brain but it was not malignent. this was many years ago. The reason I am so careful is that there is cancer in my family. my mother and my mom's sister both had breast cancer. my aunt died of the disease but my mom later died of respitory failure caused by smoking. My oldest son died of the same disease and about 6 months ago my husband died .

Susan Watts
Pembina, ND