my strength are my children

My name is Cathy I'm 49 2013 was my worst year I lost my sister to lung cancer three days later I lost my little brother he had a heart attack this was in January then in June I went for a routine mammogram a few days later I received a letter letting me know something showed up and I needed to return for more test the waiting was the worst I thought at the time but I kept thinking this will be fine god never gives us more then we can handle I did the biobisy and waited with my daughters by my side the Dr told me I had cancer I couldn't believe it but this is where my journey begins telling my children was so hard seeing the pain in their faces then my grandkids I hated telling them I saw my Dr and decided to have a double breast removal the day of my surgery is a blur I remember waking up with all my children around me and feeling so blessed my children were always by my side doing whatever I needed my wonderful daughter in law would come over everyday after work to clean and change my bandages I'm so thankful for that but I didn't feel good about myself I thought at my age losing my breast didn't matter but it did so I decided to have reconstruction surgery it has been a long journey I have had 8 surgeries in less then a year and I still have 3 more I have alot of scars my Dr says he might be able to fix some of them but I feel like they are apart of my journey and I can live with them I had a scare this month I found a lump once again something showed up but this time the Dr said she believes it's not cancer so I get rechecked in December I will win this battle I'm so blessed to have my children and family my children are my strength

Cathy Peavler
Joplin, MO