My story....

I am 41 years old and in June I found a lump in my left breast. By mid July I had the needle and core biopsy which had "inconclusive" results. My gyne, along with the radiologist that did the biopsies decided that I should "proceed with caution" and have a lumpectomy. I'm so thankful that I did. Just days later I got the dreaded phone call...You have breast cancer! I had to go back in the next week for the node sampling, which thank God all came back negative. I have stage 1, but grade 3 which is the agressive form of cancer. I started chemo in Aug and will have my last one mid October (4 treatments every 3 weeks) and then I'll start radiation. This has been the scariest thing I've ever done, and I couldn't have done it without my wonderful and loving husband, 2 beautiful children, my mom and sisters! I know that when this is over I will beat WILL NOT beat me!!

White Oak, PA