My story

I am a 39 year old mother of 3. I was diagnosed with breast cancer about one month ago. Since then I underwent a lumpectomy and removal of mocrocalcifications. Tomorrow I am having some lymph nodes removed as well. My full treatment has not been determined yet. When I heard the words, "you have cancer" I was scared. I immediately thought I was going to die. I couldn't believe that it was true, this was the kind of thing that happened to other people not me! I cried, screamed, got mad, and everything in between. Now I am beginning to accept what is happening to me and I am ready to fight this terrible disease. Two days ago I participated in a "race for the cure" walk. It was the best thing I could have done. I met women just like me and found out about a support group right in my town. I saw the many survivors and how their positive attitudes helped them through this terrible time.
I am still scared out of my mind but I am in a better place than I was. I plan to take one day at a time and live my life to the fullest.

Jenny Clark
Otsego, MI