My story

On December 4, 2013 I was pregnant and had an ultrasound, which showed an eptopic pregnancy. The next day I went to my gynecologist & went into surgery to remove the tube and fetus. All I could ask was why? Why can't we have a baby. Then in February I went back for check up & my doctor says have you had a mammo, I said no. He says your 40 you need one, I said ok so that week I had one.
On February 28, 2014 my life changed after a mammo and biopsy when I was diagnosed with stage 1 triple negative ductal carcinoma breast cancer. I never asked why cause now I understood why we lost the baby. I believe the baby saved my life. I may not have had the mammo and early detection if it wasn't for the baby. I then had lumpectomy on my right breast and lymph nodes checked for cancer which was negative. Then I had an IV port placed in my chest so I could undergo chemotherapy. In April 2014 I started chemo, I had 6 sessions every three weeks. I made it through chemo like a trooper. I thought the hardest thing would be losing my hair, but it really wasn't that bad. When I was almost done with chemo I took a test to determine if I was BRCA gene mutation positive or not. Unfortunately I was told I was BRCA1 positive, which meant I had high chances of breast cancer again and ovarian cancer. So I decided to have the surgeries. I had my mastectomy and started my reconstruction on September 30, 2014. After these surgeries are complete, which will be about 2-4 months I will have the hysterectomy. Going into mastectomy I discovered that my daughter and not one but both of my sisters are BRCA 1 gene mutation positive. I also have a son and six nieces and nephews to be tested for the mutated gene. I so HOPE they are negative, we already have so much to worry about already.

Hillsboro, TX