My Story

I have always been strong. From the time I started living on my own at 15 yrs of age and joining the Navy at 17. Even injurying my back in the Navy. All the back surgerys and all the pain had not completely brought me to my knees.
When the specialist called me back in and gave me the diagnosis in March 2009 that I had breast cancer.. I was in shock. My oldest son had just given me a grandchild in August 2009 and I would not get to see him grow up, I would not see my younger son grow to his potential! So many things race through your mind!
Then you have surgery, donate hair and start treatment. Chemotheraphy made me very ill. One day I went into the hospital and didn't go home. I had a fever of 105.5 and they couldn't bring it down. The doc came in and told me it didn't look good. I asked the doc to please save me. That is about the only thing I remember from those 5 out of 7 days in the hospital. All I know is that I had to make it.. I have too much to live for. But it was not easy. I am still healing.
This brought me to my knees!! Not only in prayer for myself, but for my family and all the other women that go through this! We are one! God Bless you and all your families. All the docs & nurses! We couldn't do it without you! This has given me a new lease on life! I hope to use every minute I have with the people I love! No one should take "life" for granted!

Andy Anderson
New Hope, MN