my story

I was diagnosed with a "mild" form of DCIS in the falll of 2005. The docs said it could be removed via lumpectomy. After 2 lumpectomies, a left mastectomy was completed in Feb 2006. The pathology report concluded that this "mild" case of DCIS was infact widespread throughout all of the removed tissue. I was HER negative and therefore did not take chemo. I am happy to report that I have been cancer free for 3 1/2 years. It was not easy to prepare meals and such since lifting pots and pans was not in my vocabulary. I learned to eat a lot of raw foods and stayed healthy by staying warm and as stress free as possible thanks to friends. With family many miles away and no significant other I am thankful for those that chipped in to help. For those of you that have a significant other, please be thankful that you have them. I wouldve given anything at the time to have had someone there to hold me when I cried, or help me when I couldnt do things. It wouldve saved a lot of holes I put in the walls with my feet when I was angry and feeling helpless. Thanks to this website for all of the free mammograms it provides for those that are uninsured. I pray that people will still get mammograms at an early age despite the lame healthcare plans that are in the works. I'd be dead now if those laws had been in place in 2005. Stay strong, ladies and caregivers, we need you here!

Debbie Giannuzzi
Denver, CO