My Story

I never imagined in my worst dreams that this could happen to me!

October was here and I called to schedule a mammogram and they asked me my age, I said 39
The lady said you are not old enough to get one without a doctor’s order. She said let me send you to the doctor’s office ask for and order then we can schedule and so I did.
After a mammogram they did the ultrasound and the tech was talking while she was doing it and then all of the sudden she stopped and said so do you have any history of cancer, I said no she said I’ll be back and I began to get nervous. The Dr. came in and said well the mass that we saw needed a biopsy did I have time to do it now I said yes. They finished and I left confused, lost, and my daughter called me on the phone and I could not say anything to her yet so I held in my cry.

I had a bilateral mastectomy and two lymph nodes contained CANcer!! When I woke up I remember asking” did they get it”, I saw my baby sister and I kept asking and she wouldn’t answer she began to cry and called my husband over.

I was diagnosed with Stage II Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and my treatment plan was : 4x every other week chemo, 12x once a week chemo, 5-6 weeks radiation, and hormone pill for 5 years or more. This would reduce my risk of the cancer returning to 15%.(needle in a hay stack)but I just could not see this just yet.
I want to encourage everyone I can to get checked out earlier than age 40. I have started a foundation Sisters Saving Sisters to help bring awareness and help someone that may be facing financial hardship while battling CANcer!! This journey has not been easy, I have shared every moment in hopes that someone would hear or see. But to GOD BE THE GLORY I MADE IT AND THIS IS MY STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andrea Murphy (Sisters Saving Sisters)
Lenexa, KS