My Sister My friend My Inspiration

In July of 2007 my sister found out she had breast cancer. She had a lump removed from her left breast and some limp nodes removed from her left arm. They seemed to think they had gotten all of it, but then they did more test and found she tested positive for the HER2 she went through chemo radiation for the next 2 years with in that 2 year period she got more cancer the brain, the lungs,cervical cancer also.She was very healthy before this,no medical problems.She showed me so much strength and courage and never let her cancer get the best of her. She met so many friends at her treatments and she gave them all her strength and courage and told them never give up the fight.The reason she is and always will be my inspiration is because when the doctor told her July 2009 there was nothing more they could do for her. She still put all her families needs and wants before her very own,even in her darkest moments.We lost her July 24, 2009. I really keep praying they will find a cure one day.Because to many people have lost to many precious people in there life to cancer. I also lost my mother at age fifteen and a cure is long over due, not only for me but for everyone. She had a twin sister which I still have, But we miss her and love her very much,and we can"t see or be with her anymore neither can her children. So keep fighting not only for her but the ones before and after her.

G. Luna
Whinchester, VA