My sister and cancer

My beautiful sister Maggie was diagnosed with breast cancer stage II in 2008 the week before Thanksgiving. She started extensive chemo, and was told she had to have a masectomy, during one of her scans they also found a dark spot on her liver, which later they found out was cancer. In May 2009 she had a masectomy, liver surgery in which they removed about 75% of her liver, she also had small tumors in her gall bladder, and had to be removed. She went thru 10 hrs of surgery. A month later she was told all the cancer was gone. She is still going thru chemo every 3 weeks and radiation 5 days a week. The hardest for me was that I couldn't be there for her physically, she lives in Galveston Tx, and I live in Australia, I talked to her daily during her toughest days at the beginning and thru her treatments, and while she was in hospital. Her faith is so great that she had positive thinking through out an not once did she ever say "Why Me". She is an RN and the most caring woman. During her toughest moments she held on, thru the pain, thru the hair loss and when she couldn't get up she never gave up. She went thru excruciating pain when she had her 1st dose of Triple chemo, 1 month before her surgeries. She has amazing friends and family that have stood by her and she is thankful. She believes things happen for a reason, On 03/20/2009 we lost our dad to liver cancer.
Her courage and her Faith are amazing, for what she has gone thru.
She is the strongest woman I have ever know, and she is my sister.
I love you sis...

Nora Lucas
Baxter, Australia