My She-roes

In January 2012, my older feisty sister Tenise's breast cancer came back aggressively after she had been in remission for just 4 months. It was the first time I saw fear. She was the smallest of us 6 sisters, but she was the fighter and the protector. We had no doubt that she would beat this second go-around as well. We prayed and believed. Sadly 2 days after her surgery, she received her wings March 26, 2012. A few days before Trenise's funeral, my youngest sister Sonya's husband insisted that she get a mammogram. Well to our horror, about 3 weeks after burying one sister, Sonya breaks the news that she too had breast cancer. It knocked the air out of us all. We were all so afraid. But after the tears, we realized that WE had to dig deep past our fears and be a strong positive support for an already positive Sonya. We dropped everything and drove the 300 miles distance where she lived to do WHATEVER she needed which included wig /scarf shopping and cleaning. We had laughter, some scares, and yes some closet tears.. In August of 2012, the day of her surgery to remove the cancer, there was a hint of fear that lingered in the waiting room. We knew in the back of our minds that this could very well be a replay of the day Trenise had had her surgery and died. Thank God, January of 2013 our baby sister rang that victory bell with a smile that could light the sky. Almost 2 years later, she is stronger than ever. So.. we all feel that my older sister Trenise, the protector, took those wings in order for her baby sister to get that mammogram and discover the cancer at an early stage, and for us to discover an unbelievable love and strength we all possess. We could had lost them both. Trenise saved Sonya and she is my she-roe. They both are..I wrote this song for them,and all who wears THAT Pink color of courage..Thank you and God Bless.

Sherri Mosley
Kansas City, MO