My ride on the brest cancer train.

As i write this, I am nearing the end of my journey. It has not been a pleasant trip, and has tested me at every turn. I was diagnosed November 1, 2013 with Invasive ductil carcinoma, thats right breast cancer. I called what family i had left and let them know, there were a lot of tears in the begining and a lot of prayers. The tears went away and then we sttled down to figure out what needed to be done to beat this thing. I have gone through 8 rounds of chemotherapy, lost all of my hair and my sense of taste, but am getting both of those back, I have had a lumpectomy and will very soon start radiation.

One night while wasting time on facebook, i saw a post my daughter, Nicole had made. SHe said

"I just want to say that my mom is my real life hero. No cape, no super powers, and no filter. If I was going through what she is, I honestly don't believe I could face the world everyday with an "f you" kinda smile and badass attitude. She's like the calm in the middle of a storm. She has more strength and self assurance than I can imagine. Even if I am just sitting on the sidelines, I know that at the end of this I'll be waiting with a bottle of Jack and some chocolate. I love you Momma."

Seeing this made me cry, she is right i have no filter if it comes to my mind it usually comes out of my mouth. my family has been there for me through all of this and even though we are not done yet, there still right here with me on this ride, Cancer is not fun, neither is chemo. I have found out who my true friends and family are and lost a bunch of the fake ones.

I have also found out that pineapple and pineapple juice are great for nausea! As we near the end of this ride, if you feel a lump, get it checked.

Michelle Griffen
Newberry, SC