My Pink Road

June 13, 2013. I felt a lump in my right breast, not too big but not too small. After an ultrasound, a mammography and a biopsy the doctor told me I had Cancer. My world came down, I thought that my life would end at my 37... I cried, and it was hard to understand and to explain to myself Why me? I thought about my little girl daughter who was 13 and what would she do if I died.
One week later I had a lumpectomy T1A Her-2+ was the name of my lump, and It was a successful surgery, three weeks later another surgery to put a catheter which was a difficult surgery, I am dancer since I was 5, before I received the C news I was training for a new theater performance, so I decided not to quit the idea to be in the stage, I promised myself that no matter how hard it was or the difficulties I had to pass through I will be on stage dancing for me, for my daughter, for my sisters, for my friends and all the ladies in the world.
It was hard, the chemotherapy made my muscles got thinner and weak, I started getting weight and most of the times I felt swollen, but that did not stop me, I knew that I could be a winner and God was holding my hand. The day came and the stage was the proof of my effort, belief and faith. I did it, I shined and dance with my soul, I showed the C I was stronger that it. Now, after all those difficulties and happiness I finished my treatment, but a new news appears, the cancer decided to stay a little longer, the doctors have told me the they will practice a double mastectomy, that it is the best, once again I will fight stronger than before, I won´t quit dancing, loving or living, I have many reasons to, the first my daughter, the second my husband and family and third one ME. I will be a survivor.

Temilie Arias D
San Jose, Costa Rica