My nipple told a story!

I've always had cystic and fibrous breast tissue, and a annual mammogram was part of my healthy routine. I was 51, a special education administrator, mother of thee grown young men, married 26 years, Zumba instructor enjoying my 50's. As a matter of fact, the year I turned 50 was a great big celebration. A houseboat trip in Kentucky with my high school girlfriends, Dominican Republic with my mom over spring break, a visit to my Dad in Sarasota, Florida with my siblings to celebrate his 80th birthday, Huntsville, Alabama for Thanksgiving with my brother's family, Virginia Beach with one of my lifelong BFF's and her family and friends, and finally, Italy with my sister in May. What a fabulous year! The very next year, however, I was diagnosed with Stage III, lobular carcinoma. Which, somewhat awkwardly, leads back to my nipple. I noticed it was starting to invert (in addition to the usual lumps and humps) and that was my signal to contact my physician for an ultrasound. A mastectomy followed by 8 rounds of chemo. Coming next will be radiation and hormone therapy. Life really is a series of ups and downs. Keep an eye on your nipples, my friends!

Dawn Gallup