My Name Is Kelly and This is My Story

On Friday, March 18, 2011, I received a phone call to let me know I had breast cancer. Once I heard "breast cancer" the rest of the call was blur.

We met with Doctors Hunt and Hatfield my General and Plastic Surgeon to discuss my options, my decision was to have a bilateral mastectomy. Next my Oncologist Dr. King who said with my decision to have a bilateral mastectomy he didn't think I would need chemotherapy.

I had surgery on April 15, 2011. We saw Dr. King, he told us was the DCIS tumor was contained but they found a second cancer invasive, next a lymph node dissection, if was in the lymph nods, Dr. King told me I needed chemotherapy. The first round I ended up in the hospital,13-days later it started, my hair fell out in less than 5-days.

I had an amazing support system, my husband Jim every step of the way! Every round of chemotherapy holding my hand, cried together, together fought the demon and won the
fight. I have an amazing family to help with the fight. My Mom was with me at appointments Jim was unable to attend, she also held my hand and my understood chemotherapy. Having a supportive family helped me get through the fight of my life. Next, my 'Survivor" tattoo for which I wear proudly.

Never said "Why Me!" Breast cancer has made me stronger and appreciate everyday. Cancer is a "We" fight. While going through this fight we have met so many wonderful friends.

With the help of my husband, family and friends we have faced cancer and won!!! I am also thankful for having great team of doctors and their staff.

I have been cancer free for 3-years as of March 18, 2014.

East Bethel, MN