My mother is an inspiration to all

My Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer at 94. She had already survived bladder cancer, a heart attack, triple-bypass surgery and is on her third pacemaker. She never ceases to amaze me and anyone else around her. She still lives on her own, and volunteers at 2 local charities. She is sharp as a tack and has a fabulous sense of humor. When she was diagnosed around Christmas this last year, her doctor told her she needed a mastectomy. She had the procedure and then came to stay with us until she felt better. The first morning after her surgery, my husband peeked in at her to see how she was doing. She was awake and she told him she had just been thinking....this mastectomy might really help her golf swing. If it had been me in that bed, you would have heard my whining in the next county! My Mom is truly a special person and I am so lucky to have her in my life. She demonstates quite wonderfully that it's all about the attitude.

Eileen La Chance
Beaverton, OR